Hard Gainer Tips

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Keeping Motivated

It seems that one of the biggest things that defines someone who is successful in something versus someone who isn't is motivation. Who knows, it could be the single most important factor! One thing that I've noticed is that when I'm excited and motivated about something I do it with more excitement and tend to do much better at it. So what does one do to keep their motivation up? I don't have all the answers about this, but I do have a few ideas:

1- Keep your eye on the goal

Do you have a goal? Do you keep you eye set on it? It seems that in every book I read about achievement they always talk about setting a goal and then going gang-busters for it. Goals are essential to achievement.

2- Set yourself up to win

Maybe you need to change some habits or friends, but don't put yourself in situations or with people who won't help you reach your goals. Do everything you can to keep yourself on top of your game.

3- Follow a plan

I believe its a good idea to leave room for some flexibility, but you've gotta have a plan to reach your goal. Without a plan, how do you know what you're doing?

Anyway, there's a few thoughts on keeping motivated. I'm mainly writing about this today because over the last few days I've noticed my own motivation lacking somewhat. These are all things that I've done in the past, so its time to put them back into action!


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